Mrs Farrell
Welcome to Mrs Farrell’s class! Mrs Farrell teaches Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Mrs Wilson is our teacher on a Thursday.
This year we are learning about Famous People, The Rainforest, Travel and Transport, Rivers, Mountains & Coasts and World War 2.
Mrs Farrell is an accredited Forest Schools teacher. We spend lots of time throughout the year learning outdoors! In the spring and summer months we help to grow and care for our school's garden. Children in Mrs Farrell's class take part in the Doodle Maths Programme and Accelerated Reader Programme. In Mrs Farrell's class we have the opportunity to lead and develop skills of responsibility by becoming a school councillor or a member of our Eco team.
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Class Photograph

Ballycraigy Primary School, Bracken Ave, Antrim BT41 1PU Phone: 028 9446 2450