Accelerated Reader

Accelerated Reader or AR is an online resource that enables computer-assisted assessment of student comprehension of “real” books. It enables
- more frequent and more detailed assessment in less time and with greater consistency
- formative feedback for children
- increased student motivation to read more, longer, and harder books
- formative feedback for the teacher
- class-wide diagnostic and screening information, including alerts regarding students who are at risk
- teacher promotion and management of effective reading practice
We encourage children to select their own books using a variety of choosing strategies. In addition, teachers may choose to allow students to take tests on books that they read collectively or books they have had read to them. After completing a book, children take a multiple-choice comprehension test on the book's content. Tests may have 5, 10, or 20 questions, depending on the books ‘AR level’. The program scores the test, awards the student points based on the results, and keeps a record.
The Accelerated Reader summary and analysis of results enables teachers to monitor both the quantity and quality of reading practice engaged in by their pupils. All tests are completed voluntarily and independently, and the system is intended specifically to have strong formative effects on children’s learning
Well done to all the boys and girls who met their reading target set in term 2. We are looking forward to term 3!
Ballycraigy Primary School, Bracken Ave, Antrim BT41 1PU Phone: 028 9446 2450