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Ballycraigy Primary School, Bracken Ave, Antrim

Mrs Fowler

Welcome to Mrs Fowler’s class.  In Primary 6/7 we strive to make your last years at Ballycraigy Primary a memorable one.  We work hard to make sure that all our pupils are building firm foundations for their future adventures in education. 

Our topics include: Extreme Weather, The Victorians and Forces. All our topics have practical elements with links to current issues.  

Some of our additional programmes and responsibilities include:

Playground Pals
We help the boys and girls in foundation stage to eat their lunch and play games with them in the playground. 

Business Beginnings
We set up our own unique company selling a variety of products.  All our profit goes towards our end of year celebration. 

Woodhall Residential 

A one night stay in an EA outdoor residential centre.  

Beyond Ballycraigy

This is a programme that we are very proud of at Ballycraigy. Together with the help from MPDA we have written a programme that incorporates transition, community and self help skills.  Each year the programme is tailored to the needs of the class and community.  Some of our projects have included car washing, making your own packed lunch, budgeting, making special hampers for our older neighbours, ironing and transition week. 

Roots of Empathy 

The focus of Roots of Empathy in the ,one term is to build the capacity of the next generation for responsible citizenship and responsive parenting. 

In the short term, Roots of Empathy focuses on raising levels of empathy, resulting in more respectful and caring relationships and reduced levels of bullying and aggression. 



Class Photograph
